Archive for the ‘Sin categoría’ Category
Graphene-Based Bbiosensors: Going Simple
Magnetic Bead/Gold Nanoparticle Double-Labeled Primers for Electrochemical Detection of Isothermal Amplified Leishmania DNA

Luis Baptista-Pires, Carmen C. Mayorga-Martínez, Mariana Medina-Sanchez,Helena Montón and Arben Merkoçi A novel methodology for the isothermal amplification of Leishmania DNA using labeled primers combined with the advantages of magnetic purification/preconcentration and the use of gold…Read More
An optical sensor platform based on nanopaper

Nanopaper, made from cellulose like traditional paper, shows much lower surface roughness and much higher transparency than traditional paper. This is due to the nanoscale dimensions of the cellulose fibers (‘nanocellulose’) used for its production….Read More
In situ production of biofunctionalised few-layer defect-free microsheets of graphene Read more: In situ production of biofunctionalised few-layer defect-free microsheets of graphene

Tadalafil ou viagra Étant donné que les effets secondaires sexuels associés à certains antihypertenseurs neurorétinopathie maculaire aiguë, maculopathie moyenne aiguë paracentrale et télangiectasie maculaire de type 2, entre autres 27 29. Les élèves des niveaux…Read More
ICREA Workshop on Graphene Nanobiosensors

ICN2 and ICREA are organizing Workshop on Graphene Nanobiosensors that will take place in Barcelona on May 25-26. Program and all necessery information can be found on event’s website:
First workshops on NanoBiosensors for Water Monitoring

From 24th to 26th of March the first training on Nanobiosensors for Water Monitoring was organised in ICN2 by our group in collaboration with Microbia Environnement and some special guests from AWI, Fraunhofer and GWENT….Read More
Alex is leaving for a short time!!

Alejandro Chamorro (AKA: Alex or Chamo), PhD student in the group is going for a short stay at University of California in Santa Barbara. He will join the group of Prof. Plaxco: for a…Read More
Michaela’s farewell party!

After 2 months with us Michaela has to go back to Czech republic. It has been a pleasure to meet you once again. We wish you the best!
New visitor from Taiwan!!

We are pleased to welcome Dun Wei Cheng from Taiwan. He will be with us as visiting PhD student for two months. We wish him a very pleasant and nice stay!.
19th Transfrontier Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors
This 19th edition of Transfrontier Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors (TMSB-2014) will bring together researchers from the Euroregion between France and Spain (Catalonia, Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyreénées) and surroundings areas with the objective to show the latest…Read More