Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group


Welcome to the website of the Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group, led by Prof. Arben Merkoçi. Our group is part of the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology in Bellaterra (ICN2) (Barcelona), Catalonia, Spain. We carry out research on the integration of nanotechnology methods, tools and materials into low cost, user friendly and efficient sensors and biosensors. The developed (bio)sensors take the advantages of nanoparticles, nanotubes, graphene, nanochannels and other nanomaterials while being integrated into innovative, high sensitive and mass production platforms with interest for several applications in everyday life.

The main objective of Merkoçi group is to design nanotech devices that can be used even by non professional people for fast diagnostic at home or doctor’s office, control of food quality, safety and security applications where either an emergency exists or an alternative method toward the sophisticated and expensive laboratory instrumentation is being required.

Research and other activites

The research at Merkoçi Group focuses on discovering and technological development of the cutting edge nanotechnology and nanomaterials based simple biosensing platforms by employing and controlling their architectures at both nano and macro scales with the objective to link together nano and macro worlds.

Our group is composed of researchers with backgrounds in chemistry, biotechnology, analytical and physical chemistry, electrochemistry, material science, electronics and other related fields that strongly collaborate together and try to find synergies in developing new nanobiosensors and transfer the developed platforms to industries. Our activities include development and applications of nanobiosensors in health, environment, safety and security fields as well as education and training in the field.

Nanobiosensing materials and platforms
Nanobiosensors applications
Education and media

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Recent publications

MXenes in healthcare: synthesis, fundamentals and applications

Zaheer Ud Din Babar, Vincenzo Iannotti, Giulio Rosati, Ayesha Zaheer, Raffaele Velotta, Bartolomeo Della Ventura, Ruslan Álvarez-Diduk, Arben Merkoçi. Chemical Society Reviews
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High resolution portable platform for pH sensing via colorimetric fluorescence of carbon dots

Gianluca Minervini, Annamaria Panniello, Daniel Quesada-González, Gabriel Maroli, Elisabetta Fanizza, Marinella Striccoli, Ruslan Álvarez-Diduk, Maria Lucia Curri, Arben Merkoçi. Chemical Engineering Journal
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Introducing all-inkjet-printed microneedles for in-vivo biosensing

Giulio Rosati, Patricia Batista Deroco, Matheus Guitti Bonando, Gustavo G Dalkiranis, Kumara Cordero-Edwards, Gabriel Maroli, Lauro Tatsuo Kubota, Osvaldo N Oliveira, Lúcia Akemi Miyazato Saito, Cecilia de Carvalho Castro Silva, Arben Merkoçi. Scientific Reports
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  • ICN2 Hosted the 2nd Semester Meeting of EU-Funded Project Aiming to Detect Alzheimer’s Disease at Early Stages

    The meeting was organised by members of the Nanobioelectronics and Biosensors Group and took place on April 17th and 18th, 2024, at ICN2. Representatives from 11 institutions across eight European countries attended. The 2D-BioPAD project officially launched in…Read More

  • Great Success of the SUSNANO Spring School Hosted by ICN2

    The ICN2 had the honour of hosting the SUSNANO Spring School on April 15th and 16th, bringing together researchers and students interested in the field of sustainable electrical nanosensors for water pollution detection. Over two days, participants were allowed…Read More

  • Liming Hu Thesis Defense

    Another PhD awarded in our group. Congrats Liming for your great work and defense today! Congrats to the two co-supervisors Dr. Rossetti, Dr. Idili and of course to all the group for the great collaboration…Read More

  • Nanobalkan 2023 Conference

    Thank you to All the participants and organizers who made possible such a great conference this week in Tirana, Albania. See you in the NANOBALKAN 2024! The date and place will be announced soon. Arben…Read More

  • A new #HORIZON EU Project is granted to our group!

    Prof. Arben Merkoçi, together with Dr. Ruslan Alvarez Diduk and Dr. Marianna Rossetti, are today in #Thessaloniki, Greece, in the Kick off meeting of #2D-BioPad HORIZON project “#Graphene Bio-Platform for point-of-care early detection and monitoring of #Alzheimer’s Disease”. 2D-BioPad project belongs to the…Read More